TELETHON – Saba’s Sensory Experience Room
We are very PROUD to have donated through our Telethon Grant, the TELETHON – Saba’s Sensory Experience Room
This cutting edge, Sensory Experience Room, is made possible thanks to a generous grant from Telethon for the Saba Rose Button Foundation.
Located at : Anderson Health
10 Conochie Crescent, Manning
9313 3483
We are proud to provide:
The first double-projection SHX sensory room in Australia. Double projection opens up new possibilities, providing users with a fully immersive experience with contextual multimedia scenes focused on sensory regulation, therapy, language and learning.
The most comprehensive sensory room based on the SHX system that has been developed to date.
User access and interaction has been prioritised with multiple ways that users can control the sensory modalities themselves with options including button panels, switches and eye gaze.
All sensory systems catered to – the room offers multiple sensory inputs – sights, sounds, colours, vibration, and full-body tactile experiences – in a way that is cohesive with the projected content.
The space is optimised to facilitate attention and exploration, and even includes a UV zone for unique sensory experiences and creating opportunities for users with vision impairment.
We THANK Anderson Health, for giving the TELETHON – Saba’s Sensory Experience Room a home!
The Magic Carpet
Bring surfaces to life and create an inclusive play environment for people of all abilities. Magic Carpet™ is an award-winning interactive projection system that displays motion responsive games and activities on to floors, tables and beds. Magic Carpet™ offers a wide variety of stimulating content that is suitable for multi-sensory exploration, play, learning, therapy and relaxation. The slightest movement over the projected image will cause an audiovisual effect response. User interaction creates real-time communication feedback with the content and allows games and activities to be responsive to body movement.
The SRBF are a proud beneficiary of TELETHON
We are incredibly grateful and honoured to be a TELTHON beneficiary and give thanks for their support and that of the Community.
See the 2023 Telethon beneficiaries below: