Club RehabME


 Join CLUB rehabME TODAY and help assist the kids with additional needs that we support!

By joining CLUB rehabME, you will be part of a local charity that supports children in Western Australia with programs, therapy, equipment and care, that helps them to be the best they can be!

It is that time of year again, are you looking to make a difference with a charitable donation before the end of this financial year?

Why not consider the Saba Rose Button Foundation and be one of the inaugural CLUB rehabME members!!

Join CLUB rehabME and be supporting the establishment of Perth’s first multi-disciplinary intensive therapy space called rehabME. By joining CLUB rehabME, you will be supporting the special needs children of Western Australia to access intensive therapy here in Perth with some of Perth’s most experienced paediatric therapists.

All the details in the link below!…/join-now-and-become-an-inaugural…

We are just SO EXCITED about our rehabME premise!


rehabME Ball – Thank You!